Choosing My Essay Topic!

I am very excited about this blog today! I get to choose my essay topic for Rome! The last time I wrote an essay, it was on Greek architecture and I had a lot of fun writing it. I was really proud of myself because I got a very good grade on it and I finally redeemed myself after the essay I wrote on the Human Geography final. So, I here by declare my topic to be Choice B.
Choice B: Analyze the factors that contributed to the fall of the Roman Republic.

I think this essay may be even more fun to write about because the fall of the Roman Republic goes all the way back to the beginning of their issues with Tarquin the Proud (Arrogant). After him, everything just snowballed out of control, even when the Romans thought they were in pretty good shape. I am ready to learn more about this topic and this essay is the perfect opportunity to do so. 

Thank you for reading and have an awesome day!
- Karlee :)


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