Dear Future Me,

Dear (insert current age)-year-old Karlee,

How have you been? I hope you're doing better than you were when you wrote this letter. Times were hard back here but you managed to survive. I currently do not know how much has changed in your life but I hope you're able to move forward no matter what. In case you need a reminder of how cool you were, I am here to tell you. In the span of a couple of years, you lived through history on two separate occasions: more riots and the coronavirus. Just in case you forgot about that, I will give you a little run-down of what happened. You stayed at home for over two months and your last day of school during your freshman year was Friday, March 13. I know, crazy right? That right there is enough to make you grateful for all you have right now. I know I am while I'm writing this. The world is crazy and I hope that you got to finish growing up in a place where the world was ran by educated and logical people. I hope your future stayed bright, and if I am correct in that statement, you should be dancing or teaching dance right now, no mater how old you are. You should also have some sort of  a medical degree, but if you do not, that is perfectly okay with me. Plans are always changing, and I do not know what life is going to do to me/us ten years from now, so what ever you are doing, I hope you're happy with what you chose. While it may seem unfit for past me to give future me advice while I'm currently writing this as present me, I am still going to do it. No matter how many times your mom told you this, it wouldn't sink in until you heard it from yourself: you need to toughen up. I know it's hard to hear because I hear it all the time and I'm only 15, but it is very true. The world is cruel and there will be times where you cannot always do everything you wish to stop it. So I hope you're happy with the choices you made/will continue to make when these situations present/presented themselves. I certainly do not need to tell myself (AKA You) how strong-willed and determined I am, but I do want to say that I hope this never changes/I hope this never changed. I hope that you stayed kind, loyal, logical, and of course, compassionate. But most importantly, I hope you stayed determined to do anything you set your mind to. You know deep down inside yourself there is a person who is waiting to show the world what they are capable of, and I certainly know that right now, I am waiting. There is so much I want to tell and show others, and so much I want to teach the world, but the right time has not come yet. If that time has passed you, where you currently stand in your world now that is, I hope you used it wisely. Before I end this letter, I want to leave you with some more advice in case you have some regrets weighing on your mind, or that you can still use no matter how old you are, so here goes nothing. Always forgive yourself and others, and ask the Lord to forgive you as well. Don't do stupid stuff, it's as simple as that. Be kind to every single person you meet, because you do not know what may be transpiring in their life, and everybody has a different scale of what 'the worst thing in their life' is. And finally, never change for someone else. Remember this, the Karlee that is writing this is perfectly content with who she is, and she does not want to be someone else, and neither should you. You are certainly not perfect by any means, but you are exactly the person that God wanted you to be, and you are always where you are supposed to be at any given time because God put you there. I hope you stay strong in your faith with God, and most of all, I hope you stay violently yourself, because God did make you that way for a reason after all.
Have a lovely day!

15-year-old Karlee :)


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