Time For a Change

I don't have much to say about class today because we had shortened classes, and because I said a lot of what I wanted to say in my blog post yesterday. Speaking of yesterday, I was feeling really uneasy about this whole online school thing, but now that I am home, I am really looking forward to this little break because I feel like when we get back, we are going to have a really good end of the year. I don't know why I feel this way but I am not complaining because I like feeling like we are going to be better than ever. We also don't have to make up any school days and we get to learn at home. This may be new and challenging, but it will be worth it. For the next couple of days, this blog is going to be my lifeline for submitting my Western Civ. assignments. So be prepared for some not so fun and rhyme-filled blogs. I will try my best to make them interesting so that I can keep doing what I like to do with them, but I do need to do my work on here. All we did today was discuss how we are going to be learning for these next few days and how we should go about doing our assignments. We also had shortened classes today due to the early dismissal, so we didn't have time for much of anything. For the next two weeks, I am going to blogging all about our lessons and I am going to be doing all of my classwork on here, so I am prepared for this new change, and I am going to try and make the most of it. John Carroll has never dealt with anything like this (that I know of) and we are going to get through it together. We just have to stay positive, and knowing we are all comfortable in our own homes, we should be able to get our work done. This is a change, but also and opportunity. We just need to stay healthy and safe.

- Karlee :)


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