The thing is...

What has this world come to? Some people are so crazy that they can cause a national crisis because they ate some bad food. If the citizens of this earth used their brains a little bit more, the state of Maryland would be going to school, and work, and they would just be living their normal lives. Everything changes and you never know how much time you have left with someone or something anymore. I cannot express how worried I am for the elders in my family because of my sister, my cousins, and I. We are carriers and we can give someone this awful thing without even knowing we had it in the first place. This entire situation is for the safety of the world, and I understand that. But that does not make me any less angry that a nation could be so selfish and dumb that they want to infect the world. I personally do not believe that this was an accident, and you don't have to agree with me, but this is my blog and this is how I feel. Mr. Schick gave us a very informative lesson today and I cannot be more thankful for this. I will forever sing 'Happy Birthday' (twice through) while washing my hands, and I will always have hand sanitizer on me, and I won't ever touch a door handle in a bathroom. Why, you may ask? Because that is what I must do to stay safe now. I am very thankful for this opportunity to ensure safety, but this is an extremely angering situation. The thing is no one was considerate when they came up with this master plan. How is this gonna affect everyone else? "Oh, it doesn't matter because we don't care." That is what this feels like. I don't even have to say it and you already know what I am talking about. And that right there is the sad truth. I will forever remember the day where I heard about this disease. I even said to myself, "Oh, it's no big deal. It's only a couple of people and they are all the way across the world." I was a fool to say this, because look at where we are now. Are some people blowing this out of proportion? Yes, absolutely. But right now, this is what we MUST do to prevent a situation like the ones these crazy people think is happening right now. I will also forever remember this lesson that was taught to me today. Thank You, Mr. Schick, for caring for us enough to give us advice and to try and answer all of our questions. You weren't scared to discuss the matter with us and I think you helped a lot of us think about what we should do. This disease is like any other, but the new strain is what is causing this great distress you see in the world. We don't have a vaccine to prevent it, but we are working on that because we have no clue when this whole thing is going to die down. That is terrifying. Why can't people use their heads? Just because you think you have a great idea doesn't mean it's safe. You thought you were gonna infect just your population? Well, look what you've done. I'm sorry that this blog post of mine does not rhyme (I'm sorry but I had to say it :)), but I felt that this was a serious matter that we discussed today and it needed to be discussed on here in the same manner. I never in a million years would think that I would live through something like this, which is crazy to think about because this is actually very probable. But I certainly was not thinking to myself two months ago that I was going to be doing online school for two weeks. That thought sounded crazy, yet, here we are. I'm excited to see what online school is like so I am going to look at this as an opportunity. But today, I think I am most grateful for being able to stay away from the public while everyone clears their heads and settles down. I don't really wanna be around people if everyone is going to talk about the same thing and be sad. It is sad, but we have to look at the bright side. We don't have to make up any school days and we get to take a little break from doing work in a classroom setting and we get to try something new for a change. I pray for the safety of some of my friends who have compromised immune systems, I wanna pray for those who are sick, and I wanna pray for those who are scared and just the general population. This is in God's hands now, and I really do believe we can trust Him. Thank you again, Mr. Schick, for giving us a wonderful lesson today, and thank you for giving us the facts and the truth. I will be forever grateful for this class we had today and I will always remember what you taught us today and how honest you were. We were able to be serious and calm, and that helped ease my nerves. So thank you for all that you help us with and do. Did you notice how I didn't even say the name of this 'thing' and you just knew. Now that, is crazy. And even though it may be sad, I just hope that we have a good last day at school tomorrow. If you read this whole thing, thank you for that. I really do appreciate it. I'm also sorry that it is very long, but this is what we discussed in class today.

“So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?”
Hebrews 13:6

- Karlee :)


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