Our First Online Assignment!

         Today we are going to be discussing Pericles, who was a truly remarkable leader. Pericles was a "wise and able statesman" and he led Athens through much of its golden age. He was said to be honest and fair and he had many goals for his city. Pericles wished to strengthen Athenian democracy, to hold and strengthen the empire, and to glorify Athens. He seems like a really cool dude doesn't he?He introduced the first direct democracy in Athens. Direct democracy is a form of government which is run by citizens directly, not through representitives. Only a few other city-states had this form of government, so this was all new to the Athenians. But still, Pericles was very proud of this new form of government and he was also proud of the Athenian people. Soon after the defeat of the Persians, Pericles hepled Athens to organize the Delian League. The Delian League was an alliance of Greek city-states that was led by Athens. The purpose of the league was to separate the city-states from Persian rule and to defend any possible attacks of revenge from Persia. The league saw many victories at defeating the Persians and they made money in their treasury. This money would then be used by pericles to beautify Athens. I wish I could have seen Athens in all of it's beauty and it would hae been an honor to meet this great man we call Pericles. He really was a cool dude. I hate to say goodbye after we just got excited discussing Pericles, but I do have to save some of the information on Greece for my next assignment. That is all for right now, and go research Pericles, you won't regret it.

- Karlee :)


  1. Terrific work, Karlee.


    Also, thank you for the epic blog from last Thursday. You guys shouldn't have to deal with something as heinous as a coronavirus outbreak (and neither should I!), but here we are. We will get through this together, as long as the vast majority of people deal with it in a constructive way (meaning, they stay home). Stay healthy, Karlee!


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