No Horse Play!

Today is all about Alexander the Great and his horse
Bucephalus was his name and boy, was he a great source.
Alex and Becephalus were great role models and the best of friends
The Black Stallion is based on them, what great book ends.
A man named Philonicus the Thessalian brought Bucephalus to Alex’s fatherWith great hopes to sell this horse, he became quite the bother.They took good ol' Bucephalus to the field to try,but he wouldn't let anyone, not even Alex, take a ride.Alex's father, Philip, declared that Bucephalus was uselessBut Alex and Bucephalus had strong connection and they were going to prove it.Philip didn't agree when Alex wanted to try and and did this instead:He dicided it was a good idea for Bucephalus to go and away with the horse he led.Philip could see with his own child that he was very upsetSo he let Alex have him as a pet.He was reluctant at first with Alex being young,and he did not believe that Alex would do it, he just thought he was high strung.

Philip even asked what Alex may do should he fail to succeed
And Alex responded by agreeing to pay the full price for the horse indeed.
Alex proved him wrong of course and did better than any man could
He solved the problem with Bucephalus' shadow just as the men should.
Alex was smart and so was his horse and they made such a great team,
Him and Bucephalus would go on joy rides to blow off some steam.
Alex chose his name because his head was as big as an ox,
and these two were such a sight, like something you might see in a place called Duloc. 
But you know what they say, that all good things must come to an end,
Their story ended in tragedy my dear friends.
Bucephalus died from battle wounds in 326 BC.
But he is forever in our hearts, and so is his legacy.
As for Alex, he was saddened, but he didn't let that stop him.
Alex died three years later and joined his old friend on top of that mountain.
That is all for today my dear old friends,
and always remeber, on this blog, the fun never ends.

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- Karlee :)


  1. It's kinda late / but I must state / your blogs are great


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