
Temptation is everywhere in this day and age. We are all tempted to cheat, to lie, to sleep in, to not do our work, etc. Whether or not you give in to that temptation is what decides your future. Times are changing right now and all we can do is make the most of the situation we are in. Giving in to the bad temptation can only make your situation worse. Even though we are all isolated, we are still in the same situation together, which should make you work even harder to keep your routine normal. You shouldn't just give up on all your hard work because you're at home, and you certainly shouldn't stop working or learning if you have been given the priviledge of doing online school. If I am going to be completely honest, I am not a fan of the whole "online school" situation. I stress easily and this stresses me out more than actual school does (I will admit that being at home does make it better though). But what I have taken time to recognize is that this is a priviledge and I should be extremely grateful for all the teachers and my classmates for working just as hard as I try to. I am grateful that we are all trying our hardest and so far, so good, but I am still working on trying to keep positive throughout the entire week. I am very thankful for all of my teachers who are still taking the time to grade my work when they should be concerned with their own families. I am especially grateful for you Mr. Schick. Reading the comments you leave on my blog makes me feel like I did good work and it was worth all of the time I spent on them. My teachers are the reason why this situation has gone pretty smooth. The teachers are hard at work giving out very clear directions and then grading hours worth of assignments. That seems a lot harder than what I have to do each day. So thank you teachers, for being awesome at your job. On a slightly different note, I feel as though every time I write a new blog where I start to ramble, I learn something from my own writing. I surprise myself every time because I just let my fingers type what they feel is best. I think this blog is going to be one that I will continue to learn from even weeks after it has been posted. And I am proud of it.

If someone asks me ten years from now, "What do you remember most about high school?", I will try my hardest to think about all the stories I have to tell, but I would be lying if I said this one did not come to mind when considering my answer. I have not even lived through the other three years of high school and I can already say that I have a great story to tell, that we, as a group, lived through history. But that right there is what is important, we did this together, as a group.

Even though this is all very new to every single person around the world right now, we are going to get through it somehow. We may not know it yet, but it is going to be okay eventually. But for now, all we can do is hope and pray that the times will change again soon. My biggest hope is not that people would just stay home, but rather the entire world learns from this. That we can grow in knowledge over this time and be a completely different human race when the dog days are over. I hope this virus teaches the world to be patient, considerate, selfless, and knowledgeable. It may be far-fetched, but this entire situation was very unlikely considering the advancements of this century, so that means anything is possible. If the world could just see its potential for about 3 minutes, the people living on it may change their minds. I do not mean to be harsh, but this is how I feel the rest of the situation should play out. There is nothing we can do to change the past, but we can live in the present in order to determine the outcome of our future.

- Karlee :)


  1. I have loved reading your blogs, especially the ones you put into verse, but this one is special. It's perceptive, it takes a look at the big picture, it's hopeful, it's honest. You make loads of good points, but two that stand out are how this is going to be an indelible high school memory, and how this is a genuinely historical event. What is happening as you study history will be a page in future history books. We ARE going to get through this, and we are going to get through it together, and I am glad you are on the journey with me.


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