Death by Hemlock

Today in class we discussed philosophy,
And let me tell you it was quite the topic in Greek democracy.
From Socrates to Aristotle they made quite the glow,
But the only one who ever wrote anything down was our good friend Plato.
He could go on and on about Socrates for days,
But my personal favorite work of his is the Allegory of the Cave.
We have talked about this before and I’m sure some are still in denial,
Therefore I shall not continue, but rather, discuss Socrates trial.
From corrupting the youth of Athens and performing impiety,
Socrates has quite the ego in his response you see.
He was honest, admitted to crime, and asked for free dinners,
But in the end, those 280 or something people were the only winners.
It was a sad day for him and he may have lost his pride,
But Socrates was no quitter and took it in stride.
Before I depress you with the rest of his story,
I think it’s better to give Aristotle some glory.
I don’t know much about him because we didn’t get that far,
But it didn’t feel right to blog about his fellow philosophers without him being up to par.
I just need y’all to know that he is important too,
And I’m sure on Friday I will have more to make him feel a little less blue.
But for right now, while I’m in the car,
I think we have said enough so far.
I will save some fun for the next blog,
And remember to not have too much fun while I’m gone.

- Karlee :)


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