Lets Prepare...

Today we went over some notes to help with our test on Greece,
We got a little off topic throughout the class and we never failed to cease.
We discussed whats important at the very beginning of class,
and I hope we did enough to help us pass.
We had a lot of talking about the different kings,
some of were nice while others were just pigs.
This topic of the Greek goverenment caught us all off gaurd,
but not as much as when we talked about the laws (its hard).
Isagoras and Cleisthenes were two people we discussed,
one was nice and friendly, the other was a bust.
Some people prefer harsh rule, while others dont really care,
but in my opinion some Greek rules were enough to give you quite a scare.
The best way, we decided, to relate this to our lives,
was talking about getting drunk and going out to drive.
Should you die for something you feel you can control?
I'm not sure at this current moment, but I dont think the answer is NO.
There is consquences to everything in this life, I'm sure of it
But right now, in class, all I can do is sit.
I dont really have an answer and I wish I lived in Greece
you know, back in the ancient times, maybe we could have found the peace.

Thats all I have for today and I'm sorry this is bad
I tried my hardest to write something good because this topic was rad.
I know I didnt do it justice which isnt really fair,
but class was fun and now its done, I guess you just had to be there.

- Karlee :)


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