Greece! pt 2

Today in class we finished taking our notes and now we have some questions to answer...

Mycenaean: The first people who settled on Greek mainland in about 2000 B.C.
Trojan War: War that took place between the Mycenaeans and the people of Troy around 1200 B.C. that most people thought was a myth.
Dorian: A group of people that defeated the Mycenaeans and took over their war-ruined land. They also got rid of greek writing for about 400 years.
Homer: Greece's greatest storyteller. He was a blind man who composed poems and epics.
Epic: Made up narratives/poems that tell about heroic deeds
Myth: Stories made up by the Greeks about their gods that give a reason behind everything.

3. Being close to the sea gave the Greeks a great advantage. They were able to travel faster because they became great sailors and it made it easier for them to access their favorite materials. They also had a good food supply from the sea which allowed them to grow their culture and population. The sea helped them to gain resources that would be very hard to reach if it was unable to be traveled on and the Greeks were able to obtain their resources to enhance their civilization.

4. The Mycenaeans adopted the writing system and the seaborne trade of the Minoans to help enhance the growth of their own civilization. The two groups together created the Greek religion, art, polotics, and literature.

5. The epics of Greece were the only form of history that they had from the Dorian period due to the Dorians lack of writing things down. The only form of history was passed down through stories such as the epics that were told and written by great people such as Homer. The Greeks learned about this period of time by the spoken word and thats why the epics were so important. With no writing, the stories were the only thing they had from that period with the Dorians.


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