Greece is the Word...

So today was very interesting because we continued to discuss Greece and Mr. Schicks power point had some really interesting information on it. Greece was very ideal in terms of weather and diet. I wouldnt mind if I lived in ancient Greece because it sounds like it was a lot of fun. I know the geographical aspect was a bit of a challenge at times, but Greece still sounds like their people back then lived a very nice life. One of the downsides of being an ancient Greek was their lack of natural resources that made them have to trade. Trade was sometimes dangerous due to all the mountains on the penninsula and all the islands in the surrounding water. Greece isn't too big and its a little bit smaller than the entire state of North Carolina, and a bit bigger than the state of Pennsylvania, and there were many city-states that made up the area. We don't really know how mny people lived in ancient Greece because as I have been typing this blog we have gotten so many different answers from multiple different sources, but we can assume that there wasn't many due to Greeces geography and lack of certain resources. I think Greece and Egypt have been the most interesting places we have learned about so far this semester and I am really looking forward to learning some more about the Greek lifestyle.


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