Jepardy Is Really Exciting!

Hello all who are reading! Im currently watching Jepardy and it just started and I already got one right! I used to hate this show until I realized that I could answer some of their - HOLD ON I JUST GOT ANOTHER ONE RIGHT! IM ON A ROLE! Anyways, Mr. Schick helped me realize that I can actually answer some of these questions and its really exciting. I even have some pictures to prove it.
Other than shocking Mr. Schick with my knowledge on Melvil (Mellvile) Dewey, we also rewatched a video on population pyramids and when I tell you that it made so much more sense than it did the first time I really mean it. I hate to be a bummer but Im trying to watch Jepardy, so, this is me signing off.

- Hannah Montana

- Karlee :)


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