Wait.... So What Does That Even Mean?

Today in class we discussed what different parts of the worlds birth rates are. It was really hard to understand for some of us so we kept asking what some of the facts actually meant. Its a little difficult to understand because each area of the world is different. We also talked about the world fact book and we got to look up different areas and see their population, death rate, birthrate, and their ethnic groups, etc. We even get to use that sight on a test next week so its important that we become familiar with it. Mr. Schick also helped me out with my band audition, I still failed but Im going to consider the kazoo next time. We also watched Mr. Schick blow the flag while we said the pledge. It was really funny and I started to laugh even though I knew I shouldn't have because we were saying the pledge after all. I really like when we have this class first because its nice to just talk about the topics instead of writing the entire time.

- Karlee :)


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