Notes by Chi Cago

Today I got to take notes from the one and only, Chi Cago. Here is how it went...

Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome...
A study guide from Chi Cago
Who Settled?
  • from north-central part of peninsula
  • metalworkers, artists, architechts   
- (Two foundation myths)
  • Virgils Aeneid (Aenea escapse Troy)
  • story of Remus and Romulus
  • had many colonies around Medd. Sea
  • Rome borrowed ideas from them (religion, alphabet, some art, military technique and weaponry)
Who's First?
The Latins!
  • descendents of Indo-Europeans
  • settled on banks of Tiber
  • settled so training ships could navigate Rome, (no further)
  • commercial port, not susceptible to attack and built on 7 hills (esp. Palatine)
(remus wanted Aventine, Romulus wanted Palatine)

Tiber River
  • many streams flowed into it
  • marshy area called Forum, between Palatine and Capitoline hills
  • Tarquin the Proud's grandpa built Cloaca Maxima (largest ancient drain) which led water to tiber
(legend says D.C. was built on swamp, but actually only 2% is swamp.)
(Constitution Ave. is located on what was Tiber Creek)

Tarquin (Lucius Tarquinias Suberbus)
  • 7th & final king of Rome
  • known as Tarquin the Proud, reffered to as Tarquin the Arrogant
  • true Tyrant, in old and modern sense of world

That is all for today.
Thank you for reading and have a nice day!
- Karlee :)


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