Roman Vocabulary

Today I get to define the vocabulary terms for our new unit. We are studying Rome and I think it is going to be really fun to learn about what the Romans do.

Republic: Form of government in which power rests with the citizens who have the right to vote for leaders.
Patrician: Wealthy landowners who held majority of the power in Rome. 
Plebeian: The commoners (artisans, farmers, merchants, etc.) who made up majority of Romes population. 
Tribune: Representative elected by the plebeians who protected their rights from unfair acts caused by the patricians.
Consul: Government officials who commanded the army and directed the government.
Senate: The aristocratic branch of Romes government which had both legislative and administrative functions in the republic. 
Dictator: A leader who has total control over the army and laws for six months.
Legion: Large military units used to organize soldiers into groups of roughly 5,000 infantry or cavalry.
Punic Wars: Series of three wars fought between Rome and Carthage between the years of 264-146 B.C. 
Hannibal: 29-year-old Carthaginian general (he was considered a military master) who was responsible for the second Punic War.

Even the vocabulary is exciting. I cannot wait to learn more about Rome and I am really excited to learn about the area. Have a good day!
- Karlee :)


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