Challenge Yourself...

Today we get to compose our own test questions and I have some thoughts. I feel as though we should all challenge ourselves because we are in control of what we have to answer. So I am going to try and find some questions that are going to challenge me on my knowledge of Greece.

1. Alexander the Great had a horse named (blank space).

2. During which war did the plague of Athens strike?
Greco- Persian Wars
Peloponnesian War
Trojan War
Greek War of Independence

3.  King of Macedon; Father of Alexander the Great    Darius the Third          
     Was taught by Aristotle; Had a horse for battle        Philip the Second
     Empire was overthrown by Alexander the Great;    Alexander the Great
Changed his name to sound more royal          

4. The two types of Greek theater were called (blank spance) and (blank space).
Tragedy and Comedy

5. An example of a great Greek structure would be The Temple of Zeus Olympia, which was built in which order?
Doric Order
Ionic Order
Corinthian Order

Thank you for reading! Have a good day!
- Karlee :)


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