The Three Musketeers

Today I get to write biographies about three really cool people from the ancient times: Philip the Second, Alexander the Great, and Darius the Third.

Let's start with Philip the Second:
Philip the Second of Macedon was quite the king you see,
He faught every battle with all his might, until he died in 336 BC.
Philip was a great King who helped move his nation along,
And he contributed to the greatest rise of Macedon.
He defeated Athens and Thebes, which are located in Greece,
And once he was done he created the League of Corinth, where he was commander-in-cheif.
Philip's plan was all for him to invade the empire of Persia,
But here you will see why it's not good to have Inertia.
While Philip was a busy man, he needed to be more alert.
He was assassinated by a royal bodygaurd who caused him to hurt.
In more ways than one was this murder a scare,
And believe it or not, the motive was a secret love affair.
After his death, his son Alexander had to take on the throne,
Even though he still had two other capable sons at home.
And who is this Alexander I speak of with no hate?
I'm sure you have heard of him, you know, Alexander the Great.
And how were him and Alexander connected? You may bother,
Why, Phillip the Second was Alexander's father.

Alexander the Great is such a popular man.
He succeeded his father at such a young age and ruled the Macedonian land.
Alex was a member of the Argead dynasty and he was born in a place called Pella.
And he had to take over the throne after his father died. Poor young fellow.
Alex had faught many battles and faced many hardships,
But his new empire that stretched from Greece to India was one of the largest.
Alex was a great fighter and was undefeated in battle,
And it is crazy how he did all this with a horse and no cattle.
Alex was smart and had the best tutor ever,
and I would love to speak about Aristotle forever.
Alex was taught by Aristotle until he was 16,
and four years later was taking the throne at the age of 20.
Alex was awarded with the generalship of Greece,
And he used his strong army to keep his land at peace.
He led the Greeks in the conquest of Persia
And broke their army after the conquest of Anatolia.
He overthrew the king of Persia, who was not very happy,
And he conquered the Achaemenid empire entirely.
His empire now stretched from the Adriatic Sea to the Beas River,
And he invaded India and defeated them with great vigor.
Eventually, Alex got homesick and returned back to his troops,
But he was killed in Babylon and never made it through the hoop.
Im sad to say Alexander is now flying high with the birds,
And so is his dear old friend the Persian king, Darius the Third.

Darius the Third was mad at Alex for overthrowing his empire
But allow me to say, this mans life was pretty sad and did not deserve great balls of fire.
I feel bad for this man who was originally called by the name of Artashata,
Because when he became king he felt he needed to change his name and Ta-da!
Everything was better now that Darius sounded more dynastic,
The name was fit for a King who was ready to fight for him and all his subjects.
But his empire was unstable and governed by jealous people,
This made his blood boil and made him feel not so equal.
When Alex had invaded Persia and destroyed the capital,
Darius knew there was no turning back and his empire had lost the battle.
Now that Persia was under his contol, Alex wanted to pursue Darius,
But before Alex could get very far, he found out that he was already killed by his cousin, Bessus.
Remeber what I said about Persia having jealousy issues?
This event is a perfect example and I would hate to be in their shoes.

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That is all for my blog and sorry if it was a long one,
I had a great time writing it and this was super fun!
Have a good rest of your day and remember to wash your hands,
As long as you stay safe and healthy, this time will be grand!

- Karlee :)


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