Never-Ending Illness

Today we had to have a catch-up day. Everyone has been out sick with the flu and its taking over the entire John Carroll student body. We had over 100 students absent on friday and we are still missing a good amount of people and it is now monday. So, due to unfortunate circumstances brought on by the flu, todays blog is all about Egyptian Medicine. Back in ancient times, the Egyptians were probably the most aquainted with the anatomy of a human. They were able to preserve bodies and keep them nice for people in case they were to ever need them again, and that is pretty cool. The Egyptains were able to research common ailments and create cures and potions for those who suffered from them. There have been over 800 remedies that have been found on papyrus that were writen and created by the ancient Egyptians. Some of them were topical, like creams and lotions or wraps, while others were pills or mouth-rinses. The reason why most of their remedies helped was because they were using all natural ingredients. The ancient Egyptians didnt have access to all the things we have today, all they had was what was on their land, and everything was natural. There were no processed materials that could harm them any further, and that is why they could create cures. The mind of an Egyptian is extremely complex and Im very excited to be learning about them and their culture.

- Karlee :)


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