An Eye for an Eye

Today in class we discussed the laws and punishments of Hammurabi's Code and let me tell you it got very interesting. Everything from burning to losing your tongue can happen as a result of a crime back in Sumer. These people were savages and they would kill others to make the accused feel the affects. Back then, you would expect to lose something for a specific crime, but in todays world, you dont know your true sentence until you stand before a jury. The laws of their time were very strict and serious and everyone was obliged to follow them. Some people still believe in these rules today, but not everyone. That goes to show how much we have advanced as a human race. Some of the laws may seem absurd to us now, and believe me, they were when we discussed them, but that is how it was back then, and I guess it was a good way of living because we are still here.

- Karlee :)


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