Lord Today We Have Another Test...

Today in class we took our last test of the quarter. Its funny how I just typed that sentence because while I was writing yesterdays blog, I thought that I would start todays exactly like I just did. I don't think this test was too hard but I do wish I would have studied more and I also wish we would have gone over the lessons in class more. I think I did pretty well considering I had no idea how to use the world factbook at the beginning of the week but now I'm like a pro. I hope everyone else in the class did their best (I'm sure we all did) because this was the last test of the quarter after all. I liked this test but I do have to say, the bonus questions got me good this time and I don't think I answered either of them right, but hey, you can only try your hardest. Today was a good day because now we have some free time to write our blogs and its a Friday. I like having our tests on Fridays, because then we don't have to study over the weekend.

- Karlee :)


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